King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women

King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women (KEMH) is located at 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, Western Australia.

It provides pregnancy and neonatal care within the greater Perth Metropolitan area. In cases where patients have gone to private maternity clinics they may be moved to KEMH should complications occur. All cases of complicated pregnancy in Western Australia are transferred to KEMH by the Royal Flying Doctor's Service.

KEMH is affiliated with the medical faculty of the University of Western Australia in the clinical teaching of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines. The course coordinators, Dianne Carmody and Alexandria Tregonning, are senior lecturers and midwives working at KEMH.

The hospital commenced operating on 14 July 1916. 101 babies were born in the first 6 months of operation. At the time, the hospital charged a standard fee of £3 3s for 'confinement' and fourteen days of post-natal care.[1]

In 1994 the organisational structure for King Edward Memorial Hospital and the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children were integrated, although separate locations were maintained. In 2002 the organisation was renamed Women's and Children's Health Service. In 2006, the two hospitals were once again separated. King Edward Memorial Hospital is now part of the North Metropolitan Area Health Service. [2][3]

See also


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